It's ToTALlY AboUT My StuFF

Thursday, August 14, 2008


  1. Relax. Lighten up. Don't take yourself too seriously. Try not to over analyze things.

  2. Take the good with the bad. No one is happy all the time. Everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with the gladness of life. The trick is to make the laughter outweigh the tears. We cannot change the past, but we can enjoy today, and look to the future.

  3. Be thankful. A key component of happiness is acceptance - learning to be grateful for what you have.

  4. Be yourself. Much criticism is caused by people who are discontented with themselves, not with you. One way to get in touch with yourself is through journaling, diaries or (lately) blogs.

  5. Pursue goals that make you happy. Strive for long term goals rather than short term satisfaction. It's very easy to gain short term satisfaction--a quick high, a fast relief from your current problems

  6. Focus on the Objective. If the thoughts you are thinking are not giving you that 'good feeling', then think about something else that will make you feel good in that moment.

  7. Develop healthy relationships.

  8. Make someone else happy. When you're feeling powerless to create happiness in your life, do something to make someone else--anyone--happy, and you'll remember how easy it really can be.

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